Your Old Droog Tickets
Bowery Ballroom | New York City, New York
Your Old Droog is the biggest rap act of today and the summer, 2022 tour of the states is looking HOTTER THAN EVER. Rap lovers all over revelling to buy entry for August as quickly as they can! There has been a crazy amount of hype, you'd be mad not to be there if you're a big rap fan! You'll likely know the awesome, Bowery Ballroom, New York, New York City? Well Your Old Droog will be hosted there on Friday 12th August 2022. To be in attendance, press the 'GET TICKETS' icon right away for this Friday evening of rap heaven!
Do you know who is your favourite rapper? Probably the one who's span the most hit records right? Do you agree Your Old Droog is spectacular? Or the greatest rap act alive? How about all those smash hits? Well you don't have much longer to think because Your Old Droog is on a huge summer, 2022 states tour and it looks CRAZY! Those verses wont spit themselves! You could be in a stadium filled with rap fans rapping every verse like you wrote it yourself, on a Friday night you'll never forget this August….it's going to be MAYHEM! We cannot think how unbelievable it'll be down at spectacular Bowery Ballroom, New York, New York City on Friday 12th August 2022, so just make-sure you're there to see it for yourself! Can you see the small 'GET TICKETS' button floating above? Well, if you just press that right away…that would be great….because thats your entry sorted! FOLLOW THE LINK TO PURCHASE NOW!